Tuesday, October 02, 2012

and now it's October, just like I wanted.

In August, as kindergarten loomed closer and closer, I remember saying, “I just want it to be October.”
Not because I wanted to rush the end of summer – or my BIRTHDAY – but I wanted Jane’s first month of school and my new flipped work schedule to have already happened, so we’d be fully immersed in our new schedule so I could stop worrying about it. I wanted a better idea of what our new reality is, at least until summer (don’t ask me what our schedule will look like then; I have absolutely no idea. And you would think, DUH, of course not, it’s only October, but I already have parents asking me what camps Jane is going to do next summer and it’s enough to make your head explode.)
And here we are. The month is over. We are immersed. And so far, so good. But what a change. Daycare was such a wonderful thing – if I had a doctor’s appointment, or just wanted to run quick to Target after work, or I had to help my mom with something, or I didn’t feel good, I could just leave Jane there for a little bit longer. No biggie. But school doesn’t let you do that, see. School is very particular about you not leaving your kid there for longer than they are supposed to be there, lest you hear from the Department of Children and Families. So now Jane comes with me everywhere, pretty much. (Except the doctor. I will not let this happen. I know there are other mothers who take their kids to all of their personal appointments, but I am not one of them. I would like to have my EKG or lady exam or what have you IN PEACE. That’s AMANDA TIME. Sad but true.)
So our mornings are full of chores, usually. Cleaning, library, shopping – things like that. I need to get her fed with lunch and out the door to the bus stop by 11:15. After the bus comes I drive off to work – I basically trail the bus for about a mile or so until it turns one way and I turn the other. Once I’m out of work, I’m right back to school to pick Jane up from her after-school program. Then it’s general mayhem, dinner, bath, TV, books, bed.
There’s not much me time these days (save for the doctor’s visits, of course). It’s something to get used to. I’m not saying it’s bad – we all know how I like to be busy - it’s just different. It’s also sometimes hard to feel like my brain isn’t all melty by the time I get to work at 11:45, after parenting for the previous six hours. Tylenol is my friend.
ETA: This next paragraph is super-random.
September ramped up other things as well – theater, dance class, PTO. I volunteered to co-chair the PR committee for Jane’s school. The variety show my theater group was going to put up in October has now been moved to December. I don’t have Jane’s Halloween costume yet (she will be a butterfly fairy princess. You heard right.) I’m off to NYC for the weekend in a couple of weeks. I miss it. I just plowed through my book club book over the past two days because we have a meeting on Friday. We read The Financial Lives of the Poets. Loved. I’m trying to exercise again – totally got off track after vacation in July. I need a pre-holiday detox, need to get healthy so I can eat all of the cookies I want come December.
How’s your October looking?


Unknown said...

Ahh things finally slowed down for me. August and September were crazy - for us. AnneShirley is sick right now, had a temperature last night and soooo quiet. We are all battling colds but it is so hard to watch your child be sick. I can't believe she turns five in November. No, she isn't in school yet as she missed the cutoff and I didn't feel she was ready for 4K. I'm being selfish - this is my time with her and I love it. I am trying to get back into writing...I'm LOVING the Autumn weather - as you know, I like it cool. I miss seeing my beautiful online friends, online though - seems like everyone is sort of doing their own thing. It's 6:45 AM and I'm sipping coffee and feeling like I'm sort of having a conversation with you which is nice. :) I, as always, love hearing about your adventures. Hugs, Amanda. :)

Kim said...

Your schedule makes me feel like a true wuss for complaining. What you said about having parented for hours before even starting work? I groaned a little out loud just imagining it.

They tell me my house is going on the market next week. Something always pushes it back (usually out of my control) so I'm not holding my breath. I'm looking ahead, like you were to October. Maybe by the end of the year things will have untwisted themselves.